we’ll all float on okay, and we’ll all float on anyway.

Okay. It has been a while. Basically, I lost my motivation to anything after HURRICANE IRENE (bitch) forced my race that I had been training for intensely for the past FIVE MONTHS to be cancelled. That was something to bounce back from and bounce I…did not. I am pretty much just pulling it back together now, if you want the God’s honest. I struggled a lot with motivation after coming back from the US (where I still did get to spend time with one of my favourite people and where we did wonderful things like meditate by a waterfall, jump recklessly off clicks into brutally ice-cold water, and where I learned to hoola-hoop) and then school started shortly thereafter which I was mentally unprepared for in every way possible. I have had to refocus on the gym and thank god for my training buddy because otherwise, I think I would still be dragging my ass. The next race isn’t until spring time so I will have to find new goals to train for. All in all, I can still be thankful for the journey that the entire training process was because it taught me a lot about myself, built my strength mentally (and, obviously, physically) and so onward I move. School is probably going to kill me – the workload is already suffocating and then I decided to pick up a second job because there’s nothing like going to school full time and working full time for a rollicking good time. That’s that – all I can manage for an update right now.

~ by natashaglynn on September 17, 2011.

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