Know no boundaries; push until fail, and then push harder.

Well, today I had an intense work-out. It has been an interesting experience to take on first, the race I am training for and, second, the Spartan WODS (see: It really makes me push myself harder than I ever would have expected possible. I used to think I trained really hard before but now, in retrospect, I recognize that I was just coasting along in my sweet delusion, perfectly convinced and content with my mediocrity in the work out world. Now I actually have people stopping me at the gym all of the time to comment on my workout which feels, admittedly, kind of really cool.

I actually worked out to the point of tears today…and then I worked out for another hour. I almost collapsed and there were so many points during the workout that I wanted to yell and scream at whoever it was who was doing this to me but then I realized I couldn`t because I had chosen this. These are the moments that make my life now. IT IS EXHILARATING. This has also been a humbling experience because, actually, I don`t take defeat very well, nor do I handle any sort of moment where I cannot master the task in front of me brilliantly with the utmost of grace. This is something that comes up again and again, like when I finally had to give in to doing girl push-ups after god knows what round of my circuit and second, I STILL HAVEN`T MASTERED THE POWER CLEAN & PRESS YET (aaaaagghh!). I got really annoyed with the `power clean & press`- well, really, I got annoyed with myself and almost drove myself to tears and then I thought to myself, pull it together. It`s frustrating but, as corny as it sounds (and I can be corny because this is a blog and no one knows me and I am kind of a sentimental sap anyway) there is some value in knowing that I am doing the best I can. It is teaching me patience, patience, patience; I have such a bad habit of trying to master things immediately that I don`t allow for the learning process. It is really kind of dumb and I know it comes from the way I was raised but now it is getting in my way and so it is time to stop.

My goal for the end of the summer: to be able to do pull-ups – plural – on my own. I have been doing them every time I go to the gym – I really hate them – and I am one hundred percent determined to be able to do them by the end of the summer. It`s getting to be a little embarrassing, really. Since the gym is closed tomorrow due to St. Jean Baptiste, I think I will spend most of my time before working doing some writing and letting my muscles relax.

~ by natashaglynn on June 24, 2011.

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